Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ministry Update

It has been almost 2 months since I moved into my office in Mason.  As each day passes, I find more of a purpose in my ministry here.  There are so many passionate Kingdom builders partnering in this ministry.  I have been meeting and planning with several of these leaders on a weekly basis as we complete our strategy for the 2008-2009 school year.  We have a unified team with a common vision for what Impact could look like in the Mason area.  Currently, we are preparing for an adult mentor meeting and training time the first week of August followed by  a night of prayer on August 15th.  On this night we are launching into our fall strategic plan by inviting students to make a commitment to prayer.  We'll then be training and empowering student leaders and adult mentors to launch Impact groups the 1st week of September.  Our Impact team consists of Brian Munafo (youth pastor), Scott Chamberlain (Campus Director), Kim Greer (Campus Director) and myself.  We'll be inviting students to step up as leaders in the next week and we are all anxiously waiting to see how many and how effective our impact groups will be this fall.  We are starting the year with 10 adult volunteers who are interested in mentoring student leaders.  This offers the possibility of having at least 5 groups start the school year.  As we plan and pray, please lift us up in your own time of prayer.  Please pray for wisdom, provision, energy, patience, and student leadership opportunities.  

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