Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I can almost taste it!!

The title of this post is self explanatory to many of you.  Today has been a milestone day as I received a commitment of support that leaves us only $9,000.00 away from reaching our goal for support!!! God has blown me away with his unfailing love and willingness to provide for my family through those who love Him.  Please continue to pray that I would remain diligent in my season of fasting and prayer as we beg God to complete this fundraising venture...I'm so ready to utter the words "fajita barbacoa burrito, please".

This has been a great week already (it's only Tuesday) as our B2B Impact staff began to strategize the plan for Grace Chapel.  The team (Kim and Scott-Back2Back staff and Brian-Grace Youth Pastor) have a huge heart for the students of this area and are sold out to the Cause of Christ.  Our 1st staff meeting was highly beneficial.  Our goal is to launch our fall plan at the first home football game for Mason High School.  In the next few weeks we'll be finalizing role responsibilities, equipping student leaders, and launching new impact groups in the Mason area.  

Sunnie got stung by a been this weekend (her first experience) and Sara did some damage to her back in her role as Sunnie's mom.  Both have recovered and Sunnie loves telling the story of how the bee stung her and she "shooed" it away and said, "no, no, no bee".    We had an extended weekend with the holiday and I was reminded just how amazing it is to be a husband and a dad.  I love my girls.

1 comment:

Marla said...

We celebrate with you! May God bless you on this journey! We love you, Marla