Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What a Month!

It was one month ago that, with tear filled eyes, Sara and I worshipped for the last time as leaders of Focus Student Ministires.  I'll never forget the overwhelming moment when the students surrounded us with prayer as they laid hands on us and worshipped with us for one last time....you can never have another "first".  Xenia will always be the "first" for so many God experiences for our family.

Since that night, God has continued to carry us through this new journey with Him as we joined the staff of Back2BackMinistries on June 2nd.  It was a quick turnaround as I met the staff of Grace Chapel on that first day and began to strategize how the Impact ministry of B2B could most effectively minister to the student ministry of Grace Chapel.  In the short time that I have ministered with this team, I must say that I am impressed by their passion and unity in pursuit to Love God and Love Others.

In the midst of this transition, I spent the majority of my time planning and leading the high school week of camp at Butler Springs Christian Camp.  We were blessed with a record number of campers (175).  Our goal was to engage each student in a Dialogue with God and an invitation to live for the Cause of Christ.  God affirmed this plan through countless spiritual healings, 14 baptisms, 20 commitments to full-time ministry, and an overwhelming love offering for my support with back2back totalling close to $4,000!!!  This week affirmed to me just how important this generation is to the Kingdom of God in this world.  He is calling them out and many of them are responding to the call!!

Sara and Sunnie are doing well.  Sunnie has added countless amounts of words to her vocabulary including "cool dadda", which I love.  We've been stretched at home, though.  Just before I left for camp we had a couple of appliances quit working and we've struggled through some health concerns and moments of exhaustion.  I'm home for the summer, though, and am hoping that consistent prayer and a routine will help to bring relief to our family.

Please continue to pray for us.  We have raised over 75% of our needed support and are working hard to finalize the last 25%.  God has provided so much for us to this point and we know that He will continue to bless our family as we chase after Him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, miss you guys and remember prayers are with you. I'm sure God's continueing to use you in amazing ways through back2back, and can't wait to hear the awesome stories of what He's going to do through you guys! - Hilary