Wednesday, August 27, 2008


In the past month our Impact team has been extremely busy getting ready to launch our fall strategy for Impact.  It has been a rewarding yet challenging month as we held our first night of prayer in our newly created boiler room.  20 high school students showed up to this night of constant prayer as they meditated on one question, "Is God calling you to lead?"  God began stirring in the hearts of many students through this night of prayer and their hunger for Him became more evident to us as we watched them channel their lives into postures of prayer.  This night of prayer was designed to set the stage for a four week leadership training program that begins on September 3rd.  We have the potential to train 20-30 student leaders in the next month.  Once this training is completed, students will be challenged to step out on faith and lead a new IMPACT group as they are mentored by one of our trained adults.  We are praying and hoping for 3 new groups to launch this fall with additional groups launching at the first of the year.  

Continue to pray for our leadership, our wisdom, our courage, and our strength as we invest in a generation that will change the world.

1 comment:

Dave D. said...

I just read thru your blog and wanted to see how I can get regular updates when you add an update?

I praise God for you, bro!

- Dave D.