Monday, April 12, 2010


Brinkli is here!

As I write to you, I am sitting in the hospital, doting on our daughter Brinkli Paige, who was born on April 10, 2010 at 10:18a. She and Sara are doing amazing as they prepare to come home in the next couple of days. Brinkli is a tiny little girl weighing only 5lbs 8oz, but she is very healthy. We can’t wait for her to meet each of you! Please continue to pray for us as we adjust to being a family of four! Sunnie is doing great and has already chosen the role of little helper with her baby sister. God has blessed us in an overwhelming way through our family dynamics. I can’t wait to see how we all deepen our understanding of Him through our family experiences! We praise God for this healthy baby girl! I have already seen God begin to change us as we respond to Him and the gift he has blessed us with. We look forward to learning how to prepare both Brinki and Sunnie for the platform God is calling them to. We love each of you and are so excited to share this beautiful little girl with you! If you are in the area in the next couple of weeks and want to stop by and see Brinkli, just let us know.


2010 kicked off with a bang for the Cox family as we began the year by helping Grace Chapel through a staff transition that was unexpected, but significantly blessed by God. As the year began, two full-time staff members of Grace Chapel (the foundational church of IMPACT) accepted God’s calling to plant a church. This plant was affirmed and blessed by the leadership at Grace Chapel and both churches are thriving in response to this move. In the transition, I felt called to help where ever I could, so 2010 began with me accepting an interim part time roll at Grace in addition to my role at Back2Back Ministries. This role has not hindered my influence with IMPACT ministries and has enhanced the resources that our IMPACT ministry has had here at Grace.

This has been a great season of influence for our ministry as I have spend much of 2010 speaking to new groups of students. As many of you know, I developed a message series titled “The Princess Story” in 2004. Since then I have spoken this series each winter to students, challenging them to live pure lives as they understand their role in the Story of God. In February and March I have spoken this Story to 4 different student groups covering over 300 students in just a few short weeks! I was so excited to have this platform to share and am continually overwhelmed by the amount of bondage in students lives and the freedom found in response to this simple presentation of the Gospel. Each presentation was met with an overwhelming response to repentance and restoration. I love sharing this story and being a part of God’s invitation to live pure lives.

Other opportunities for new influence came in the arena of conferences. In March alone I spoke at three events in less that 20 days! While our family was exhausted from the schedule change, the fruit from the sacrifice was sufficient! I began the month speaking at IGNITE 4.0, a youth retreat hosted at Butler Springs Christian camp by several youth pastors from Indiana. The weekend was blessed by God as many students made decisions to live for Christ. As I spoke on Romans 12:1-2 I found that God was freeing his children through the truth that they would find renewal in Christ’s love and grace.

On March 25th Cincinnati Christian University hosted their annual Youth Ministry Summit, adding a student leader conference to the Summit schedule. Last summer I was asked to help direct this aspect of the event in partnership with a CCU student, Patrick Garcia. The day was a huge success, with over 90 high school students in attendance and at least 10 of these students committing to pursue full-time ministry. It was so refreshing to partner with college students who are on fire for revival in their generation. The event was so successful that 1twentyone has been asked to help direct it again in 2011.

1twentyone Experiences....

Amid all of the new influences that IMPACT was having this winter/spring, we were also deepening our foundation to raise up a generation to live Christ with an eternal perspective. On March 12-13 we hosted our 3rd Experience Influence at Crossview Christian Church in Waynesville, Oh. This year our 1twentyone team introduced a new 2 year rotation for the event where in year 1 we would train students to “experience influence in the church” and year 2 would train students to “experience influence in culture”. Influencing in the church had not been a part of our past events. This year we invited high school students who wanted to lead worship, preach/teach, lead small groups, perform dramas/plays, offer tech support, or serve in outreach/evangelism to the event. 50 students and 15 adults attended the event and found levels of training to meet their practical needs. We learned a lot from year one, but found the event to be a huge success! One mom contacted me after the event to share that her son had worked through the preaching/teaching experience, applied what he had learned, and won a preaching competition a3 weeks later, giving him a scholarship to Bible College! Other students became better at their craft, making them more influential within the walls of their churches. Next March we will target students who can influence youth culture and train them to be missionaries within their high schools, sports teams, clubs, bands, and peer groups.

Up next for 1twentyone is The Experience @ Butler Springs this summer from June 20-26th. Our team is working diligently to plan a God honoring week of community, discipleship, worship, and teaching. Our theme is “Like You Promised”, based on II Peter 1:3-10. Our goal is to claim the promises of God so that we can live holier lives reflecting His image.


Bridge the gap between youth culture and the church...That is the motto of IMPACT. I like to stay dead center on this motto. It would be easy for us to become a youth group within a youth group, or to die on one philosophy of ministry, alienating anyone different. I love the IMPACT groups in Mason and Centerville because they look so different, but have the foundation to be so successful. These groups are striving to find their voice in youth culture and are gaining ground. In January I met Michelle, a mom of an IMPACT student in Mason. She was attending a new believers class that I was teaching. In the first class she shared that her son Eric had been going to Athlete IMPACT for months when he confessed Jesus as Lord! He then brought his mom to church and within a few weeks she had confessed Jesus as well!

As the school year winds down, so do IMPACT groups. I’m gearing up for next fall where we will be training 4-5 churches in the IMPACT strategy. I’m currently working on an innovative way to train students/mentors, network IMPACT groups, and keep the “main thing the main thing”. My hope is to launch this new structure by August!

Financial Update.......

In our last update we shared that we were working to bring in additional $1200 per month to balance our monthly support needs. Since December God has blessed us with $800 per month of that support! God is so good. Thank you for continuing to support us as we strive to respond to God’s calling on our lives. We are humbled by each of your gifts.

One need we have is for a car. My truck won’t fit either of the girls car seats, and with 2 kids we may need to divide a conquer on activities! I’ll miss my truck (my ministry partner for the last 9 years) but it’s time to get something that fits more people in it! If you have a vehicle you would like to donate or sell cheap, let us know.

As always, we are blessed by God through your love for us. We hope to see each of you soon. Please let us know how we can pray for you and minister to you.

With deep love for all of you,

Chris, Sara, & Sunnie

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


In my recent scripture reading I have paused to dwell daily on 2 Peter 1:3-11 “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins. Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall, and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” As I was personally challenged to pursue these qualities fervently and deeply, I was also convicted that the character of the next generation is the center of spiritual warfare. This generation will be remembered for who they were much more than what they did. In a culture built around the “what” of life (what school?, what girlfriend/boyfriend?, what car? what phone? what sport? what career? etc...) those who decide to change the “who” they are becoming will stand out like a light in darkness. As I focus on the influence IMPACT can have on the next generation in 2010 I am committed to challenging them to become as a reflection of the divine power that has given them everything they need for life and godliness through the knowledge of Jesus Christ.


As school started back up this fall, some students were launching a strategy to influence their friends with the Gospel. IMPACT launched 4 groups in partnership with Grace Chapel in Mason OH and 3 groups with Southbrook Christian Church in Centerville, OH. Over 100 high school students are involved in these groups. All 7 groups are student led and adult mentored. These groups are finding success in reaching students with the gospel. One group from Southbrook won 5 students to Christ within the first three weeks of meeting! A few weeks ago I was preparing to share a message at a 1twentyone event and Ryan, a student from Southbrook, came up to me and said, “I just wanted to let you know, my ska band is starting to practice. We haven’t gotten into a routine yet, but we’re all excited to play together. I can’t wait to share the Gospel with them.” It was so encouraging to see the excitement and ownership of IMPACT in Ryan’s eyes. I look forward to sharing so many more stories of how these two IMPACT churches continue to bridge the gap between youth culture and the church.

As these groups continue to grow and influence youth culture, I’m excited to share that beginning in January I will be strategizing the IMPACT group philosophy with 2 new churches. The goal with both churches is to spend this Spring defining our strategy, targeting leaders, recruiting mentors, and launching our training plan. Next fall both churches plan to launch IMPACT as their evangelistic tool for their student ministry. God is truly blessing us with a harvest of youth pastors who trust our team and believe in our philosophy of student ministry.

1twentyone Experiences....

As most of you know, this summer Back2Back Ministries incorporated 1twentyone into the IMPACT ministry. 1twentyone creates experiential events for high school students with a mission to influence a generation to “live Christ with an eternal perspective” (Phil 1:21). This ministry is built on a “team” philosophy with youth pastors from Cincinnati and Dayton setting the spiritual direction for the experiences that are implemented by 1twentyone. My role is to lead this team and to direct the 1twentyone events.

This fall 1twentyone hosted “experience change”, a weekend retreat centered on engaging students in a renewed relationship with God. In the two weekends that EC was hosted at Butler Springs Christian Camp in Hillsboro, OH over 330 students and youth leaders were influenced by the Holy Spirit in life changing ways. The weekends were filled with confession, repentance, reconciliation, worship, prayer, and renewed passion for the vision God has for his redeemed. Students claimed Christ as Lord, rebuked their old lives, and committed their lives to a “new covenant” relationship with Jesus.

I’m currently working with the 1twentyone team to plan “Experience Influence” a Spring leadership training event for high school student leaders. In addition, I have been asked to speak at two conferences in March and will be sharing “The Princess Story” over a 3 week period at Beavercreek Christian Church in February.

Financial Update.......

2009 is drawing to a close and as it does, I am thankful for the provision God has blessed us with through the support of our friends, family, and advocates. As I take a hard look at our support for 2010 I realize that we are approximately $1200 per month short on our target income. Sara and I will continue to share our ministry with those around us in the hope of adding advocates to our ministry. We ask that you continue to support our ministry by your financial contributions as well as sharing this ministry with those around you. Please pray for God’s provision for us and our ministry as we seek to glorify His name in all that we do.

Our Family.....

We got away in December for our annual trip to Florida as a family. It was so relaxing to spend a couple of weeks together. We played, relaxed, and just enjoyed one another. We are blessed to have the opportunity to spend that great time with each other. Just before we left we found out that our unborn baby is a girl! Her name is Brinkli and we can’t wait to meet her in April!

Merry Christmas,

Chris, Sara, & Sunnie

Chris Cox

Director of IMPACT Ministries

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Road Signs

I love when I'm hitting that part of a vacation trip where I begin to see signs that I'm close to my destination.  There's something euphoric that begins to happen when I see that road sign or restaurant that screams "you're almost there!"  I'm finding these same road signs in this new journey of ministry.  This past Sunday night I watched as a few friends of mine led 40 high school students to the throne of God through worship.  As I watched hands raise, knees bend, and students cry out to the God of the universe I was overwhelmed with countless memories over the past few years where God has opened a window for me to peer into His world of unhindered worship.  I recognize those road signs and I know that God is near.  

Many of you know that Sara was a cheerleading coach at Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy for 9 years.  Her role as a coach was so important to us when we began our ministry in Xenia that we made sacrifices in order to make it possible for her to continue to coach.  I had no idea how influential that decision would be on our new ministry with Back 2 Back.  Two parents of Sara's former cheerleaders are on the board of directors with Back 2 Back and last week the influence of her mentorship took a deeper turn than I could have imagined.  We were completing our student leadership interviews when one of the interviewees shared that she and a friend wanted to start an impact group targeting their gymnastics team.  I knew this student trained at a gym that was run by one of the parents from CHCA and so I asked who she had in mind as a mentor.  To my amazement she shared the name of one of the girls that Sara mentored most heavily during her years at CHCA.  So, long story short, Sara mentored a cheerleader a few years ago, that cheerleader went to Nigeria with Back 2 Back last summer and felt called to partner missions and gymnastics, and last Friday I called her up to mentor a student leading an IMPACT group that targeted gymnasts in the hope of impacting the girls in our Mexico mission this summer.  It reminded me of a time when God prompted me to ask a freshman trumpet player to take up the drums.....Road Signs.

One other Road Sign....Record numbers have signed up for the BSCC High School Retreat again.  I can't wait to see what God has in store for us as we continue to make Him our 1 desire.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


In the past month our Impact team has been extremely busy getting ready to launch our fall strategy for Impact.  It has been a rewarding yet challenging month as we held our first night of prayer in our newly created boiler room.  20 high school students showed up to this night of constant prayer as they meditated on one question, "Is God calling you to lead?"  God began stirring in the hearts of many students through this night of prayer and their hunger for Him became more evident to us as we watched them channel their lives into postures of prayer.  This night of prayer was designed to set the stage for a four week leadership training program that begins on September 3rd.  We have the potential to train 20-30 student leaders in the next month.  Once this training is completed, students will be challenged to step out on faith and lead a new IMPACT group as they are mentored by one of our trained adults.  We are praying and hoping for 3 new groups to launch this fall with additional groups launching at the first of the year.  

Continue to pray for our leadership, our wisdom, our courage, and our strength as we invest in a generation that will change the world.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ministry Update

It has been almost 2 months since I moved into my office in Mason.  As each day passes, I find more of a purpose in my ministry here.  There are so many passionate Kingdom builders partnering in this ministry.  I have been meeting and planning with several of these leaders on a weekly basis as we complete our strategy for the 2008-2009 school year.  We have a unified team with a common vision for what Impact could look like in the Mason area.  Currently, we are preparing for an adult mentor meeting and training time the first week of August followed by  a night of prayer on August 15th.  On this night we are launching into our fall strategic plan by inviting students to make a commitment to prayer.  We'll then be training and empowering student leaders and adult mentors to launch Impact groups the 1st week of September.  Our Impact team consists of Brian Munafo (youth pastor), Scott Chamberlain (Campus Director), Kim Greer (Campus Director) and myself.  We'll be inviting students to step up as leaders in the next week and we are all anxiously waiting to see how many and how effective our impact groups will be this fall.  We are starting the year with 10 adult volunteers who are interested in mentoring student leaders.  This offers the possibility of having at least 5 groups start the school year.  As we plan and pray, please lift us up in your own time of prayer.  Please pray for wisdom, provision, energy, patience, and student leadership opportunities.  

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I can almost taste it!!

The title of this post is self explanatory to many of you.  Today has been a milestone day as I received a commitment of support that leaves us only $9,000.00 away from reaching our goal for support!!! God has blown me away with his unfailing love and willingness to provide for my family through those who love Him.  Please continue to pray that I would remain diligent in my season of fasting and prayer as we beg God to complete this fundraising venture...I'm so ready to utter the words "fajita barbacoa burrito, please".

This has been a great week already (it's only Tuesday) as our B2B Impact staff began to strategize the plan for Grace Chapel.  The team (Kim and Scott-Back2Back staff and Brian-Grace Youth Pastor) have a huge heart for the students of this area and are sold out to the Cause of Christ.  Our 1st staff meeting was highly beneficial.  Our goal is to launch our fall plan at the first home football game for Mason High School.  In the next few weeks we'll be finalizing role responsibilities, equipping student leaders, and launching new impact groups in the Mason area.  

Sunnie got stung by a been this weekend (her first experience) and Sara did some damage to her back in her role as Sunnie's mom.  Both have recovered and Sunnie loves telling the story of how the bee stung her and she "shooed" it away and said, "no, no, no bee".    We had an extended weekend with the holiday and I was reminded just how amazing it is to be a husband and a dad.  I love my girls.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What a Month!

It was one month ago that, with tear filled eyes, Sara and I worshipped for the last time as leaders of Focus Student Ministires.  I'll never forget the overwhelming moment when the students surrounded us with prayer as they laid hands on us and worshipped with us for one last can never have another "first".  Xenia will always be the "first" for so many God experiences for our family.

Since that night, God has continued to carry us through this new journey with Him as we joined the staff of Back2BackMinistries on June 2nd.  It was a quick turnaround as I met the staff of Grace Chapel on that first day and began to strategize how the Impact ministry of B2B could most effectively minister to the student ministry of Grace Chapel.  In the short time that I have ministered with this team, I must say that I am impressed by their passion and unity in pursuit to Love God and Love Others.

In the midst of this transition, I spent the majority of my time planning and leading the high school week of camp at Butler Springs Christian Camp.  We were blessed with a record number of campers (175).  Our goal was to engage each student in a Dialogue with God and an invitation to live for the Cause of Christ.  God affirmed this plan through countless spiritual healings, 14 baptisms, 20 commitments to full-time ministry, and an overwhelming love offering for my support with back2back totalling close to $4,000!!!  This week affirmed to me just how important this generation is to the Kingdom of God in this world.  He is calling them out and many of them are responding to the call!!

Sara and Sunnie are doing well.  Sunnie has added countless amounts of words to her vocabulary including "cool dadda", which I love.  We've been stretched at home, though.  Just before I left for camp we had a couple of appliances quit working and we've struggled through some health concerns and moments of exhaustion.  I'm home for the summer, though, and am hoping that consistent prayer and a routine will help to bring relief to our family.

Please continue to pray for us.  We have raised over 75% of our needed support and are working hard to finalize the last 25%.  God has provided so much for us to this point and we know that He will continue to bless our family as we chase after Him.