Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Road Signs

I love when I'm hitting that part of a vacation trip where I begin to see signs that I'm close to my destination.  There's something euphoric that begins to happen when I see that road sign or restaurant that screams "you're almost there!"  I'm finding these same road signs in this new journey of ministry.  This past Sunday night I watched as a few friends of mine led 40 high school students to the throne of God through worship.  As I watched hands raise, knees bend, and students cry out to the God of the universe I was overwhelmed with countless memories over the past few years where God has opened a window for me to peer into His world of unhindered worship.  I recognize those road signs and I know that God is near.  

Many of you know that Sara was a cheerleading coach at Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy for 9 years.  Her role as a coach was so important to us when we began our ministry in Xenia that we made sacrifices in order to make it possible for her to continue to coach.  I had no idea how influential that decision would be on our new ministry with Back 2 Back.  Two parents of Sara's former cheerleaders are on the board of directors with Back 2 Back and last week the influence of her mentorship took a deeper turn than I could have imagined.  We were completing our student leadership interviews when one of the interviewees shared that she and a friend wanted to start an impact group targeting their gymnastics team.  I knew this student trained at a gym that was run by one of the parents from CHCA and so I asked who she had in mind as a mentor.  To my amazement she shared the name of one of the girls that Sara mentored most heavily during her years at CHCA.  So, long story short, Sara mentored a cheerleader a few years ago, that cheerleader went to Nigeria with Back 2 Back last summer and felt called to partner missions and gymnastics, and last Friday I called her up to mentor a student leading an IMPACT group that targeted gymnasts in the hope of impacting the girls in our Mexico mission this summer.  It reminded me of a time when God prompted me to ask a freshman trumpet player to take up the drums.....Road Signs.

One other Road Sign....Record numbers have signed up for the BSCC High School Retreat again.  I can't wait to see what God has in store for us as we continue to make Him our 1 desire.